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Chen Li: 年夜傢好,我是陳蔾. 明天我們要壆的是什麼詞語呢?

Helen: Today’s word is ‘counterfeit’ – C.O.U.N.T.E.R.F.E.I.T – counterfeit.

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好國人喜懽把那些终日只顧埋頭看書、不睬世事、自以為年夜有壆問的知識分子稱為“蛋殼腦袋”(egghead),這個比方非常死動形象。大凡是知識份子果用腦過度,頭發基础上失落光了,禿頂的腦袋頗像一個蛋殼,egghead也就“顯山露珠”了。於是便有許多關於egghead一類人的笑話,乃至诬捏出一名教学就稱為Professor Egghead,他雖然“滿背經綸、壆富五車”,卻因“深藏若虚”常正在一些生涯細節上大出洋相,上面的英文就是關於Professor Egghead的一則笑話。

Absent-minded Professors

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November 15, 20

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. (Applause.) So much for the dress code. (Laughter.) I'm honored to be with you. Thanks. I appreciate being with an organization that understands the value of free speech -- so much so, that Gene asked if I'd give one. (Laughter.) I told him I'd be happy -- but I warned him that if you invite me back for the 30th anniversary, it's going to cost some billable hours. (Laughter.)

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Hello lesbian and gay Americans. I am proud to stand before you as a lesbian today. With hearts full of love and the abiding faith in justice, we have e to Washington to speak to America. We have e to speak the truth of our lives and silence the liars. We have e to challenge the ly Congress to end its paralysis and exercise moral leadership. We have e to defend our honor and win our equality. But most of all we have e in peace and with courage to say, "America, this day marks the end from exile of the gay and lesbian people. We are banished no more. We wander the wilderness of despair no more. We are afraid no more. For on this day, with love in our hearts, we have e out, and we have e out across America to build a bridge of understanding, a bridge of progress, a bridge as solid as steel, a bridge to a land where no one suffers prejudice because of their sexual orientation, their race, their gender, their religion,
or their human difference."

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曾正在中心編譯侷事情過多年的好國專傢瓊・仄克姆在她編寫的《中式英語之鑒》(The Translator’s Guide to Chinglish)一書中,將中式英語稱為 English with Chinese istics (中文特色的英文),這與socialism with Chinese istics(中國特点社會主義)可稱為孿死詞語,也說了然中國人应用英語介紹中國特征社會主義,更轻易產生中文特点的英語,即“中式英語”。

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PRESIDENT BUSH: Bienvenidos, Señor Presidente, a la Casa Blanca. I am honored you are here to visit me in the White House. We have had a meaningful conversation -- a conversation that you would expect among people who have a deep desire to serve their respective people.

Mr. President, I've been impressed by un corazon grande. You care deeply about the people of your country. And I have felt that passion.

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November 2,翻譯, 20

THE PRESIDENT: I want to thank the Governor and the senators and members of Congress for joining me.

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March 4, 2008

THE PRESIDENT: This morning I spoke to President Uribe of Colombia. He updated me on the situation in his country, including the continuing assault by narco-terrorists, as well as the provocative maneuvers by the regime in Venezuela.

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1) o! Is (Tom ) in ?
2) Nice to meet you. I'm Bill Dillon.

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1.Like attracts(或 draws)like. 意思是:不异的人吸引雷同的人。 (like 指 similar people)這與另一句謬語 「Birds of a feather flock together.」(沟通羽毛的鳥在一路)意義相似。(a = same)也就是偺們常說的「物以類散」或「同聲相應,同氣相供」。

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April 16, 20

11:00 A.M. EDT

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October 26, 20

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. I went out to California yesterday to meet with families affected by the wildfires, and to thank the state and local officials for their outstanding work in this difficult time. While I was there I saw the terrible destruction and heartbreaking loss. Yet I was also encouraged by the spirit I found -- the families determined to rebuild, the volunteers who stepped forward to help neighbors in need, and the first responders who have shown such courage in battling the flames and caring for those who were displaced.

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Official name of the executive mansion of the president of the United States. It is on the south side of Pennsylvania Ave.,Washington,D. C. , facing Lafayette Square. The building, constructed of Virginia freestone, is of simple and stately design. The portecochere on the north front, which forms the main entrance, is a portico of high lonic columns reaching from the ground to the roof pediment: it is belanced by a semicircular colonnaded balony on the south with a second-floor poroh, pleted in 1948. The main building (four stories high) is about 170 ft (52m) long by 85 ft (z6m) wide. The east and west terraces, the executive office ( l902) , the east wing ( 1942) , and a penthouse and a tomb shelter (1952) have been added. The colonnade at the east end is the public entrance,日譯漢. The executive office is approached by an esplanade. Large receptions are usually held in the East Room, which is 40 ft (12m) by 82 ft (25m) . The elliptical Blue Room is the scene of many social, diplomatic, and official receptions. The Red Room and the Green Room are used for private and quasi-official gatherings. The White House, designated "the Palace" in the original plans , was desighed by Janies Hoban on a sitechosen by CeoWe Washingion. It is the oldest public building in Washingion, its cornerstone having been laid in 1792 . Jobzi Adanis was the first Pesident to live there (1800) . The building was restored afier being burned (1814) by ritish troops, and the smoke - stained gray stone walls were painted white. Despite popular myth the cognomen "White House" was applied to the building some time before it was painted. The name became official when President Theodore Roosevelt had it engraved upon his stationery. Part of the house was rebuilt (1949 - 52) on a steel-supporting frame. The grounds, which cover about 18 acres (7 bectares) , are attractive with broad lawns, fountains, trees, and gardens. They were planned by Anddraw Jackson Dowiiing.

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12:58 P.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Please be seated. (Applause.) Thank you for the warm wele. I'm sorry I'm late. (Laughter.) But I am honored to be back at the Army War College. A few weeks ago, you d this college's 1th birthday. I was interested to learn that the school was originally located across the street from the White House. Apparently after a few years on Pennsylvania Avenue -- (laughter) -- it was time to pack up your bags. (Laughter.) Laura and I know the feeling. (Laughter and applause.)

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