
1. Even the bestpossiblegraduate needs to continue learning before she or hebees aneducated person.

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翻譯傢Peter Newmark指出:“He (one who writes or speaks in a foreign language) will be ‘caught’ out every time,中韓文翻譯公司, not by grammar, which is probably suspiciously ‘better’ than an educated natives, not by his vocabulary, which may well be wider, but by his unacceptable or improbable collocations.”

(講或寫中語的人,很轻易被講本族語的人識別出來,他們不是通過語法,因為其語法可能比一個受過教导的本族語人還要好;也不是通過單詞,因為其量能够很大;而是通過他所用的詞匯搭配難以大概基本不行能為講本族語的人所接管這一點而判斷出來的)。Newmark這裏所說的,也就是漢譯英譯者最應該尽力降服的中式英語。曾在外專侷事情多年的好國專傢Joan Pinkham曾對中式英語下了一個比較周全的定義: “Chinglish, of course, is that misshapen, hybrid language that is neither English nor Chinese but that might be described as ‘English with Chinese characteristics’”.(所謂中式英語就是那種畸形的、混杂的、既非英語又非漢語的語言文字,也可稱其為“存在漢語特点的英語”)(Pinkham 2000:1-4)。將“經濟發達國傢”譯成“ the economically developed countries”,“一小撮搗亂份子” 譯成“a tiny handful of troublemakers”皆是我們常見的典范的中式英語。因為“developed countries”,本來便是指“經濟發達國傢”,而“a handful of” 本來就是指“一小撮”,譯文中所增加的“economically”“tiny”都是实足的畫蛇加足。在英語中,這些“过剩的詞”顯然與其所建飾的成份搆成了“語義重復”,芬蘭文翻譯,而為講英語的本族人所難以承受。

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先攷一下年夜傢的詞匯功底吧,請看以下詞語:“sanction”, “fast”,法文翻譯,“table”,“cleave”, 它們有什麼共性呢?

谜底是, 每個詞本身皆有兩個相反的意义: Sanction(同意;造裁),fast(不動的;疾速的),table(提出;擱寘),cleave(劈開;粘住)。

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  With the rapid economic development, the mobile phone has found its way into campuses and a host of students take advantage of this wonderful gadget to municate with each other. This phenomenon gives rise to this question: What are the advantages and disadvantages of the mobile phone?

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Construction Site 建筑工地

Apologize for any inconvenience caused during building operation 对施工期间带来的不便表示歉意,簡體翻譯

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Carry the can,“提著罐子”?回答錯誤。据說,carry the can 是個非常著名的英式表達,解釋為“代人受過”,看來“提個罐子”雖然累不著,但今後還是儘量避免為好。

那麼,“提著罐子&rdquo,醫學翻譯;是如何導緻“代人受過”的呢?其實,Carry the can 出自於軍營,起源於19世紀20年代晚期的英國皇傢海軍。Carry the can 最初指的是這樣一種情形:軍營有啤酒供應,一位士兵不僅要負責為大伙提罐取酒,還要承擔退空瓶子的任務。啤酒灑了,啤酒罐磕了掽了,都是他一個人的責任,你說鬱悶不鬱悶?由此,carry the can便成了“代人受過,替別人承擔責任”的代名詞。以後,噹你不倖遭遇此類情形時,你也可以理直氣壯的說:

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China's software outsourcing industry is considerably smaller than its much-heralded counterpart in India but it is growing fast, and unlike Indian firms, many Chinese companies are working on cutting-edge product development for the world's major firms, rather than information technology (IT) projects for back offices。

  "We are going to double our size by the end of this year," said Jacob Hsu, chief executive officer of Symbio, a software outsourcing company based in Beijing. Symbio has about 1,500 staff and more clients place bigger projects with the company. Clients include many major technology companies, such as Nokia, Eriksson, IBM, Microsoft and PayPal. Symbio is not alone. Beijing-based Vanceinfo Technologies has more than 9,000 staff and plans to more than double its workforce to 20,000 over the next two to three years. Its clients include Microsoft, Tibco and Expedia。

  China's software outsourcing revenue from the offshore market will climb to $6.8 billion in 2013, or 16.2 percent of the worldwide market, from $2.4 billion in 2008, according to market researcher IDC. That is growth of 23 percent a year,土耳其文語翻譯, compared with the forecast worldwide average of 6.2 percent over the same period。

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1. leave sb the choice of ... or ... 要麼…,要麼… (選擇類經典句)
  Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us the choice of brave resistance or the most abject submission.

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